Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Back to Blog and Baking

Food can never take a break. And boy has it not over the last couple of weeks. Watch this space for travel and culinary marvels.

Top. Breakfast this morning after the gym. Starts off well. Slowly downhill from there. Afternoon baking Jamie's Bloomin Brilliant Brownies. Warnings folks, it's a sugar and chocolate KILLER. A whole pack of butter, what seems like half a kilo of sugar, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, eggs, you name it. And some cranberries and macadamias for extra 'nutrition'. Thankfully it's a give-away but of course it needed to be sampled...

Zoe's cinnamon cupcakes for some kiddies. Can anyone shed some light on the sinking?
I've discovered I lack some baking talent. Bring on the Shakshuka, coming up.


  1. Coooooooool!!! so nice you're having a blog :)

    what are you inspiring us with?

    Much love

  2. Ruuuuub my first comment! I thought I'd go back to our favourite thing to do other than grow our hair into matted locks - cooking and foooood. Ole!
